Imraan’s Priorities

  • No matter what we look like or where in the 8th district we live, we all need a roof over our family’s head and a safe place to call home. Too many residents of our district are struggling to afford the cost of housing. Developers and big business have prioritized profits over the needs of our community members.

    I know what it's like to have to leave a community to find a place for my family that we can afford. It doesn’t have to be this way. As your Representative, I will work hard to bring affordable housing solutions to our community.

    We all deserve to come home at the end of the day to a safe space in a thriving community.

  • Healthcare is a human right. I believe every single person in the 8th district should be able to visit a doctor without worrying about the cost of the bill. That’s why I will fight for healthcare for all in Congress – to ensure everyone in our state and our district can take their kids to the doctor when they are sick.

    Right now, insurance companies, big corporations and the pharmaceutical industry rake in massive profits while parents struggle to afford a doctor’s bill. I know we can do better. If we come together to demand change, we can ensure a system that serves patients, not profits.

    I promise to ensure access to safe and legal abortion, contraception, and comprehensive reproductive healthcare and reproductive education for everyone. Decisions about reproductive health should be made by individuals, not politicians.

    As your Representative, I will fight for healthcare for all.

  • Every child in the 8th district deserves the best start in life we can provide for them. That begins with a great education in a safe and beautiful school. People of all ages deserve to be able to get an education, take the next steps in their career and build brighter futures.

    My son is starting college this year. I believe he should be able to pursue his dreams without accruing massive debt. And I believe every college student in the 8th district deserves the same. Unfortunately, the ultra-wealthy have rigged our tax code for their own benefit leading to chronic underfunding of our schools.

    As your Representative, I will fight to ensure the wealthy pay what they owe so our kids can reach for their dreams.

  • I have fought against unfair and lengthy citizenship delays based on national origin and will make it a top priority to do so when I am elected to Congress.

    Our current immigration policies and processes are steeped in structural bigotry towards select immigrants. I have seen firsthand the misuse of authority by agencies like ICE and how they perpetuate abuse and discrimination against immigrants, including the separation of children from their families. While border security is a legitimate concern, our policies need to be reformed. A majority of Americans—79%—support bipartisan efforts to strengthen border security, create a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who came as children, and ensure a reliable workforce for farmers and ranchers. In my professional work, I have also fought against unfair and lengthy citizenship delays based on national origin and will make it a top priority to do so when elected to Congress.

    The US has spent trillions of dollars on weapons of war under the guise of national security, destroying civilizations only to bar people from fleeing our own destruction. We should instead allocate those funds towards rebuilding those communities we’re responsible for demolishing could be a two-pronged approach to solving our immigration crisis. We can use our global influence to build bridges rather than destroy them.

  • As a parent with children in our school system, I am aware of how gun violence has altered the educational landscape and the sense of security within our schools. The constant threat of potential shootings has led to heightened anxiety among students, parents, and educators alike. Schools now conduct regular active shooter drills, which, while necessary for preparedness, further underscore the pervasive fear that has infiltrated our educational environments. As your representative I will make it a priority to advocate for comprehensive gun reforms to protect our children's right to learn in a safe and nurturing environment. 

    I stand against all forms of political violence. We may have many disagreements as a society, but we all must reckon with how inflammatory rhetoric manifests in the real world. The longer we continue without comprehensive regulation and action taken to address the root causes of gun violence, the more danger our communities are in. According to the CDC, firearm related injury is the leading cause of death among our nation’s children and teenagers - this is not only a public health crisis, but also a constitutional one. An attack against a former president and presidential candidate cannot be the only instance of violence where both parties can find common ground. We must condemn anything or anyone that threatens our democracy.

    Given the rise in mass shootings and gun violence nationwide, implementing common-sense gun reforms is essential. Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color are disproportionately affected, bearing the brunt of both civilian and police-led gun violence. More than half of all people murdered with guns each year are Black men, even though Black men are only 6% of the U.S. population. Additionally, the presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the likelihood of a woman being killed by five times. Increasing polarization among Stricter background check requirements are needed to ensure firearms are not distributed without adequate certification and rehabilitation. My views align with the majority of our country, today 88% of Americans support the requirement of background checks for all gun buyers, including 86% of gun owners.

  • No matter who is elected President this November, we need strong congressional leaders who can hold the President accountable. Representative Kim Schrier can’t even hold the Biden White House accountable—she won’t hold Trump accountable either.

    I sued when Trump tried to implement an unconstitutional Muslim Ban. Congressional leaders like Kim Schrier declined to charge Trump for spurring the violent insurrection on January 6th, 2021. They let him slide and punted it to the state level because playing politics is more important than doing the right thing. As a plaintiff in the lawsuit against the Muslim Ban, I fought to make sure Trump's administration couldn't baselessly target and discriminate against our communities.

    We must do everything possible to elect leaders that protect our freedoms at all costs, including encouraging those who feel disenfranchised by politicians to get out and vote. Too much is at stake in our democracy.

    Our democracy and elections are at stake, and we must take drastic measures to change the course of our nation's future. I grew up in Georgia, where voter suppression laws were commonplace and discriminatory practices hurt my communities. I understand the need for free and fair elections.

  • I’ve been witnessing for years how corporations pollute our communities just to get tax breaks and gain record profits.

    Washington is leading in the fight against climate change. I would work alongside local environmental justice working groups to hear their priorities and bring those to D.C.

    My goal is to obtain the investments for a transition to clean energy including sustainable jobs, resilient infrastructure, and successful economic development. The communities who’ve been hit hardest are the ones showing us the way to hold fossil fuel and private utility corporations accountable, protect our health and win locally made and publicly owned clean energy. Climate change is real and it’s here.

    I’m working towards a future where we drink clean water, breathe safe air, and live in healthy communities. This includes supporting a Green New Deal with emphasis on a transition to renewable energy sources, investing in public transportation, and ending corporate greed.

  • We need to pass progressive policies to build a tax code that works for working families. Taxes are how we build wellbeing together. They shouldn't be used to fund genocide and death. Our tax dollars should be going to programs that improve the lives of hard-working folks in our communities.

  • Our nation is channeling billions of taxpayer dollars to fund atrocities in regions where our allies are deliberately violating international laws and restricting humanitarian aid. While we see more than 15 thousand children killed & 2 million forcibly displaced in Palestine, 8 million in Sudan, 7 million in Congo, and nearly 4 million in Ukraine; we must reckon with how the military-industrial complex drove us to this point and begin to divest from the corporations and entities that profit from the destruction of others. I am running to challenge representatives that have ignored global outcry and nevertheless voted in favor of dropping bombs on innocent children.

    No matter what our religion or background, everyone deserves a life of safety and freedom, and no one life is more valuable than another. Every dollar that we spend on sending bombs overseas is a dollar that could go towards supporting our district. Our representatives should be using our tax dollars to improve our communities. This is my why. 

    It is imperative to call for an immediate ceasefire and to implement divestment strategies that promote long-term peace and restorative justice in the region. As your elected representative, I will make it a priority to demand an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza. The ceasefire should facilitate the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid, including medical supplies, food, and water, to those affected. Ensuring safe passage for humanitarian workers is essential to address the urgent needs of the population. Our collective efforts can help build a future where Palestinians can once again live in peace, security, and dignity.

  • The popular Alpine Lakes Wilderness encompasses approximately 394,000 acres in the Central Cascades Region within Washington state. The area is accessed by 47 trailheads and 615 miles of trails. More than 700 lakes and mountain ponds dot the glacier-carved terrain of this wilderness.

  • Located in King County, Washington, Issaquah is a picturesque city known for its stunning scenery and vibrant community. With a mix of modern amenities and natural beauty, Issaquah offers residents and visitors alike a unique blend of urban convenience and outdoor adventure. Whether you're exploring the historic downtown area, hiking the nearby trails, or enjoying local events and festivals, Issaquah has something to offer everyone. Discover all that this charming city has to offer and experience the magic of Issaquah for yourself.

  • The City of Maple Valley fosters a safe and welcoming community by providing services that improve quality of life, empower businesses, and support environmental stewardship.

  • Located at the center of Washington State, Wenatchee proudly showcases its natural beauty.